
The Valley of Rochester Scottish Rite Children’s Foundation was established in 2007 as a 501 (c) 3 charitable institution. It is dedicated to providing funding for quality, state of the art, learning services to children in need regardless of race, color or creed or ability to pay.

We strive to include the whole family in this educational process, so that all are involved and empowered to help the child become a successful life-long learner. We believe every child should have the opportunity to attain the very best training using all available tools.

We partner with The Reading Center in Rochester, Minnesota, a world-class treatment center using the Orton-Gillingham approach to address childhood language disorders, primarily dyslexia.

On their behalf, we raise funds for children in need of testing and treatment at The Reading Center whose families would otherwise be unable to able to afford, as well as funds used to provide training for teachers in southern Minnesota to recognize the early signs of dyslexia.


What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains.

— Albert Pike

Whatever form it comes in, we appreciate your generosity.


All gifts to the Foundation qualify as tax-exempt charitable contributions under both Federal and State of Minnesota rules.

Gifts may be made in many convenient forms, including immediate donations, deferred gifts, memorials, gifts of life insurance or under a will, and securities.